Get the training you need to support safeguarding needs.
Find Out MoreThe Herts Sports & Physical Activity Partnership acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of everyone and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice. We recognise that children and some adults are at increased risk and that their protection is of paramount importance.
Further information on protecting children in sport with the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU)
Further information on protecting adults in sport with the Ann Craft Trust (ACT)
We are committed to working in partnership with organisations delivering sport within Hertfordshire, to promote and deliver best practice when working with children, young people and adults alike. All children and adults are entitled to protection from harm and have the right to take part in sport in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment. The Herts Sports Partnership and its partners have a duty of care to safeguard all children and adults involved in sport from harm. All children, adults at risk and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.
The Herts Sports & Physical Activity Partnership recognises that there is difficulty in combining policies regarding the safeguarding of children and of adults at risk, due to the vast differences in legal and statutory requirements. As such, we have separate policies for both groups to ensure that safeguards are put in place to keep children and adults safe and to prevent harm from occurring when participating in sport and physical activity. These policies and procedures are widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership.
Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Sport Policy
Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
If you have cause for concern regarding Safeguarding and Protecting Children or Adults at Risk, please follow the steps below:
Contacts for child cases
Hertfordshire Children’s Services: 0300 123 4043 (including out of hours)
Police 101 (or in an emergency call 999)
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Contacts for adult cases
Hertfordshire Adult Social Care: 0300 123 4042 (24 hours a day)
Police: 999
Ann Craft Trust: 0808 800 5000
Action on Elder Abuse: 0808 8088141 (UK Helpline)
Immediately report the matter to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, or the deputy in your club or organisation.
Here you will find two documents that demonstrate how you should go about reporting a concern and filling out the form.
Incident reporting template
CPSU Reporting a Concern
For further information, please visit the Child Protection in Sport Unit website for reporting child cases and the Ann Craft Trust website for reporting adult cases
It is important to undertake appropriate safeguarding training to understand the needs of those you are working with, help spot the signs of abuse and know how to report any concerns correctly. There is a range of training available both directly through the Herts Sports Partnership and external agencies. The most appropriate training will depend on the audience you work with. You can explore available training options below:
If you are unable to find safeguarding training to meet your needs, please contact t.horey2@herts.ac.uk who would be happy to assist you in finding the correct training.
If you have questions or concerns regarding Safeguarding, please email: t.horey2@herts.ac.uk