Older Adults

Being physically active has been proven to help reduce the effects of ageing.

The population in Hertfordshire is ageing. Almost half (47%) of our adult population is now over 50 years of age, which demonstrates an increase of 17% in the last 10 years. Our older generations' projections show an even greater increase over the next decade with little increase in healthy life expectancy in prospect.

Generally, the ageing process alone does not cause major health problems until someone is into their nineties. However, other factors associated to the ageing process are key contributors to a decline in health. These include:

  • Loss of fitness, both physical and mental
  • Prevalence of disease and the disability that results (usually accelerated by loss of fitness)
  • Social factors such as deprivation, ageism and social isolation

Through the links on this page you will be able to see further resources, insights, training and funding support (when available) to help our partners keep the older population of Hertfordshire more active, and, therefore, healthier and more independent into their later years.

If you would like to delve deeper into the statistics behind the Mid-life and Older Adults in Hertfordshire, explore our Story Map  

Live Longer Better

Join the Live Longer Better Revolution.

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Group of women running

Strength & Balance Classes

Improve your stength and balance to help maintain independence.

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Man using a resistance band

NHS activity guidelines for older adults

Find out what activities are good for your health.

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Man using a resistance band

Get in touch…

If you have generic questions, please email our HSP Project Officer, Charlotte Bird: c.bird3@herts.ac.uk