Governance & Standards

HSP is committed to high standards of governance as one of the cornerstones of a high performing organisation. We operate within Tier 3 of the UK Code for Sports Governance and we are regularly assessed against this standard. A selection of key governance policies are listed below.

Key Governance documents

Governance Support

We are keen to promote the highest standards of governance for HSP and the partners that we work with. The links below provide excellent resources and training material.

Business Plan documents

Environmental Sustainability Policy & Commitments

HSP recognises its responsibility to minimise its impact on the environment and formally commits to being an environmentally responsible organisation and embedding environmentally sustainable principles and practice within our work.

Our Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

Finance documents

As the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership is hosted by the University of Hertfordshire (UH), the financial statements are included within the UH Strategic Financial Statements on page 96.

Get in touch…

If you require further information or governance support, please contact: