Protecting Adults

Safeguarding adults should be treated with the same importance as children. This means making sure that adults at risk are protected from abuse. Any adult could become at risk of harm depending on the situation and environment, so it is important to safeguard all adults, not just those meeting the ‘at risk’ definition.

The Ann Craft Trust (ACT)

The Ann Craft Trust is a national charity which aims to minimise the risk of abuse of adults at risk in sport and physical activity environments. ACT is funded by Sport England, Sport Wales and UK Sport to help National Governing Bodies, Active Partnerships, regional partnerships and sport and activity organisations to develop best practice in safeguarding adults at risk.

Helpfully, ACT has produced a number of guidance documents for organisations that work in sport and physical activity that can help us all to protect adults at risk which can be found on their website.


Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB)

The Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board  is a partnership that works with organisations to make sure adults at risk are cared for, somewhere free from abuse and harassment, in their daily lives. On the HSAB there are resources and information available for those engaging with adults at risk.



Get in touch…

If you have questions or concerns regarding Safeguarding, please email :