Active Connections

Active Connections is a contract HSP hold with HCC Public Health with five key objectives.

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Active Connections is a contract HSP hold with HCC Public Health with five key objectives:

  • Improve Healthcare Professionals’ knowledge of the benefits of physical activity and connections to local opportunities.
  • Improve Social Prescribers’ knowledge of the benefits of physical activity and connections to local opportunities.
  • Provide oversight for the county’s exercise referral schemes.
  • Review and promote activity apps.
  • Support the development and delivery of the Never Too Late to be Active campaign.

To improve Healthcare Professionals’ and Social Prescribers’ knowledge surrounding the benefits of physical activity and connections to local opportunities, we are achieving this by:

  • Attending and presenting at PCN protected learning events.
  • Organising learning opportunities for healthcare and social prescribing colleagues.
  • Encouraging GP surgeries to sign up to the Active Practice Charter.
  • Promoting and connecting local physical activity opportunities and resources.
  • Creating a Healthcare Physical Activity Champions (HPAC) programme.

How can we connect to your Primary Care Network?

Discover who HSP are and how we can support your Primary Care Network with getting more people, more active, more often. HSP and partners can attend PCN events e.g., Target Events, Wellbeing Days, Protected Learning, Lunch & Learn sessions etc.

We want to know when your Primary Care Network are arranging an event and Herts Sports and Physical Activity Partnership (HSP), along with relevant and local partners to your specific borough in Hertfordshire who feel they can offer you support, will come along to present. For example, if there is a local exercise referral scheme to highlight their opportunities, we will offer them the chance to present.

What support can we offer at these events and beyond?

We can deliver information sessions, including:

  • Insights/quizzes as to why physical activity is important (inc. stats on your local area).
  • Connections to local physical activity deliverers e.g., GP Exercise Referral Schemes.
  • Further training opportunities e.g., Physical Activity Clinical Champion (PACC) Training.
  • HSP tools and approaches e.g., Moving More Activity Finder, Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire movement, Long Covid physical activity rehabilitation project etc.
  • Active Practice Charter – How and why to sign up.
  • Physical activity demonstrations e.g., seated/chair-based exercise techniques.
  • How to stay connected e.g., become a Healthcare Physical Activity Champion (HPAC).

Get in touch…

For more information, please contact: