New Active Connections Hub launching for Hertfordshire Health Sector

Calling staff from all Hertfordshire Primary Care Networks to join our new online hub to help get your staff more motivated and more active

Evidence shows that being physically active can help with motivation, particularly if done as part of a group or team as it can help to build personal connections and a sense of teamwork. This is why the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP), HCC Public Health, and Total Active Hub have teamed up to create the Active Connections Hub - a dedicated online platform designed to inspire and support Hertfordshire health sector colleagues stay physically active and connected. 

Launched at the Active Connections Conference on December 4th, this online platform invites members of staff from Primary Care Networks (PCNs) across Hertfordshire to sign up to the hub and create or join a team. The Hub enables users to track their own activity through personal measurements, usually based on time spent being active, allowing people to take part in activities of their choice. Whether you are a keen walker, determined runner, aspiring swimmer, eager cyclist, or prefer any other activity – the Active Connections Hub caters for all preferences. Individual activity is added together as a team who can compete within their surgery or across their PCN and county.

Participants are encouraged to be active as much as possible with occasional countywide challenges, adding incentives for individuals and teams. The Hub launched as a four-month pilot, so we encourage you to take up this opportunity across your PCN. To join, PCN staff will need to create a login to view the Active Connections Hub, where they can familiarise themselves with the platform. PCN staff can register for the platform at  

The first flagship countywide challenge, ReMove the Blues, started on 20th January 2025. Sign up to win individual, team and surgery prizes! For all the FAQs, as well as a chance to hear how Harpenden Health PCN have benefitted from the Hub previously, take a look at our webinar 'Get to know the Active Connections Hub'

The Active Connections Hub is part of HSP’s wider Active Connections programme which is seeking to better embed physical activity in healthcare in Hertfordshire. A key part of this work is engaging and supporting PCNs through the Active Practice Charter which seeks to reduce sedentary behaviour, and increase levels of physical activity, for staff and patients. If you are interested in learning more about the Active Practice Charter, do not hesitate to get in touch or visit our webpage

If you have any questions about the Active Connections Hub or about our wider Active Connections work, please contact  

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