Do you work in Healthcare and want to help us promote the importance of movement
Find out how to become a Healthcare Physical Activity Champion

What is a Healthcare Physical Activity Champion?
A Healthcare Physical Activity Champion (HPAC) is a great opportunity to act as a Champion for physical activity for yourself, your colleagues, and your patients. Stay connected with the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership and allow us to link you to the latest physical activity support.
If you are a surgery looking to gain Active Practice status, becoming a HPAC would be the ideal start in showing that you are looking to increase physical activity for your staff and/or patients.
What do you recieve as a HPAC?
You'll recieve a quarterly round-up highlighting the latest physical activity resources and opportunities across Hertfordshire and a wider network. This could include:
- Guidance on how to gain/sustain Active Practice status.
- The latest training offers/dates e.g., Active Medicine, Physical Activity Clinical Champions (PACC) training and more.
- Latest webinars appropriate for embedding movement into healthcare.
- Information on our Moving More activity finder which could be invaluable for staff within the personalised care setting e.g., social prescribers, link workers, health/wellbeing coaches etc.
- Upcoming events ideal for Champions within healthcare.
- Information on how HSP are connecting to primary and secondary care to promote physical activity e.g., via protected learning time, lunch & learns and more.
You will also have the opportunity to use your voice to shape how we can support you further going forward, continuing this relationship to benefit both staff and patient activity levels.
How do I sign up as a Champion?
Find a sign up form here to become a Champion. For more information please contact
Latest newsletter editions:
You can find previous editions of the newsletter here and view embedded links to a variety of useful resources to support your staff in embedding physical activity into health.
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Get in touch…
If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: