Information for 2024 Providers

The information and resources on this page have been created to support HAPpy providers who are approved to deliver camps during 2023-24

The Summer HAPpy programme will be running from:

Monday 29th July- Friday 30th August 2024 (Excluding Monday 26th August)


HAF Induction Summer 2024

Once approved as a provider for the Summer delivery phase you will be invited to attend a mandatory pre-delivery induction. This is due to run online on Tuesday 9th July 2024 from 18:30-20:00. This will include sessions on:

  • Provider expectations
  • Playwaze onboarding and updates (new features)
  • Marketing
  • Safeguarding arrangements
  • Training opportunities
  • Q & A opportunities/discussion


As providers of HAPpy Camps, you will be sent information about the free courses and workshops available to you via the 'Training Tuesday' update - a weekly email series sent out in the lead up to each delivery phase. But to keep up to date on the offer throughout the year, the full details of all the courses, workshops and opportunies available to you can be found at any time on our dedicated training page below. We strongly encourage you to attend as many courses as you can, to support your staff and improve your year round delivery.

View the HSP training page


You can find some valuable exercises related to enrichment on our resources page.

Enrichment Resources

Local Services to boost your enrichment offer

Marketing Toolkit

Marketing your camp effectively is what gets places booked! 

Check back soon for updates to our marketing resources for HAPpy Camps. 

For any further marketing support, please email:

Cost of Living Support

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Get in touch…

If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: