Supporting Sustainable Sport in Hertfordshire
HSP is committed to environmental sustainability and wants to learn from and support the sector in creating a green sporting future in Hertfordshire.
Climate Change (and wider environmental degradation as a result of pollution, biodiversity loss and resource consumption) is the biggest challenge facing the planet and is already having a negative impact on sport and physical activity e.g., water shortages, extreme heat, storm damage, flooding, sea level rise, coastal erosion, poor air quality. Effective climate action from all sectors, including the sport sector, is therefore needed now to limit the global temperature rise and avoid the worst effects of climate change and protect the sports we love.
“Sport is sustainable when it meets the needs of today’s sporting community while contributing to the improvement of future sport opportunities for all and the improvement of the natural and social environment on which it depends.” Chernoschenko, D., 2011.
This BBC article – Sport 2050: What is Climate Change and why should it be our concern? provides a really good background to the challenges sport faces.
Below are links to some excellent resources to support your green improvement journey…..
- Club Matters - Becoming more environmentally sustainable
- Sport Environment & Climate Coalition (SECC) Resource Hub
- How to reduce energy costs for local physical activity and sports facilities.
- How big is your carbon footprint
Case Studies
The following case studies provide tangible examples of what is possible…..
- Sport in Desford (SiD)
- Watford FC Community Trust
- Freedom Leisure
- Dronfield Sports Centre | Salix Finance
- Encouraging biodiversity
- Preventing plastic pollution in sport
Designing & Delivering Sustainable Sports Events
HSP organised a Designing & Delivering Sustainable Sports Events Learn & Share Webinar in October 2023 including practical hints and tips from expert presenters (Kate Chapman – Sustainability Advisor for many sports organisations including the London Marathon and Rich Stacy-Chapman the lead for sustainability at the 2023 ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships) including:
- Creation of a sustainability vision
- Setting of clear targets and measuring impact
- Working with partners and suppliers
- Using the event as a platform for staff, participant, spectator and volunteer education and training
- Focusing on the areas that will have the biggest impact
Sustainable Sports Events Learn & Share Presentation - British Canoeing
Sustainable Sports Events Learn & Share Presentation - London Marathon
Kit Recycling
Kit recycling is an easy way to get started on your sustainability journey. Here are a few potential partners….
- Graasboots - Buying & donating pre-loved sports kit
- Leisure Loop - for swimming pools
- Jog on again - recycle your sports shoes
HSP has partnered with Funding4Sport, a specialist sport and physical activity bid writing service, who will provide FREE support for sport clubs or organisations, to help them access vital funds for their projects linked to environmental sustainability. Please click here for more detail about the offer and to register your interest.
Some funding directly related to Sustainability is below:
Environmental Sustainability and Funding Webinar for Sports Clubs - Monday 4th March 2024
Events & Training
There is great training out there to further your understanding of Environmental Sustainability and specific topics related to sport and physical activity……
- HSP events
- BASIS - The British Association for Sustainable Sport – Events and Training
- The Climate Dictionary: An everyday guide to climate change
Join the Green Revolution in Hertfordshire
This is a fast moving topic, so please email Adrian Ledbury if you would like to included on our ‘Climate Change Yammer Group’ which we use to exchange ideas and the latest information about environmental sustainability as it relates to sport and physical activity.
Get in touch…
If you would like any more information, please contact Adrian Ledbury: