Strategic Plan for 2022-2027
All Together Now – Uniting the Movement in Hertfordshire
The Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership's Strategy 2022-2027 ‘All Together Now – Uniting the Movement in Hertfordshire’ – is the culmination of extensive consultation with key partners and stakeholders, to ensure that the strategic priorities contained therein meet the needs and aspirations of the wider sport, physical activity, and wellbeing sector in Hertfordshire.
It also sets out to prioritise those within our communities who are in most need and have traditionally faced the greatest barriers to participation. Collectively, we have the power to help our residents live happier and healthier lives. This strategy aims to transform those lives by radically reducing inequalities in terms of opportunities and access to sport and physical activity.
Those inequalities have undoubtedly been exacerbated by the pandemic and it is imperative that we now use sport and physical activity as a vehicle to help our communities recover and reinvent themselves as safer, stronger, and better places to live and work.
Ability Without Opportunity has become something of a mantra for the Partnership and an enhanced sport and physical activity offer at the local level will not only improve the lives of our residents, but it will also help to unearth a wave of new talent and create opportunities and pathways for that talent to be nurtured and to reach its potential.
We look forward to working with all our stakeholders, in realising our aspirations and collectively we can make a huge difference to the lives of our people. This strategy will ensure that we have a laser-like focus on identifying and addressing inequality. Using an insight-led, evidence-based approach we aim to optimise the use of what will always be limited resources, for the greatest impact.
There are challenging and exciting times ahead and we are fully committed to ensuring that the Partnership shows system leadership in support of both its strategic objectives and those within Sport England’s 10-year Uniting the Movement strategy.
Mervyn Morgan – Chair
Hester Brierley – Vice Chair
Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership
Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership – Strategic Plan 2022-27 Summary
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