Influencing the Next Generation of Healthcare Professionals

University of Hertfordshire medical students are at the forefront of accessing the latest physical activity training to upskill for the future

Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) is embedding the key message of ‘movement is medicine’ to the future generation of health workforce. Hosted by the University of Hertfordshire, HSP are in a fortunate position to influence the current medical students on how physical activity can be embedded into healthcare for the prevention and management of long-term health conditions.

HSP colleagues hosted a stall at the University of Hertfordshire Student Nursing Fair, on the 13th of September, to promote our healthcare training offers as well as the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Revolution, promoting active ageing. One upcoming opportunity for this cohort of students is the Physical Activity Clinical Champions (PACC) training, which is running in September and October, of which many have singed up for. The PACC training is an hour dedicated to helping individuals to feel more confident talking to others (patients) about physical activity, its benefits and the guidelines.

Finally, HSP host a Healthcare Physical Activity Champions (HPAC) scheme where any healthcare professional (clinical or non-clinical) can sign up as a Champion to receive a quarterly newsletter of updates on physical activity resources and opportunities specifically designed and appropriate for those in the health workforce. Our Champion’s scheme has over 30 students/trainees on which gives us a prime opportunity to position the next generation of healthcare in Hertfordshire to put movement at the forefront of their thinking.  

HSP will be working closely with the students moving forward as further training opportunities arise. If you’re a medical student wanting to learn more please visit our Active Connections webpage, or contact the HSP Health Team via email at

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