Walk Around The Room

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Sing this song to the tune of The Farmers in his Den

Walk around the room, Walk around the room, EEE  AYE ADDIE OOO Walk around the room – substitute the following and change the actions to represent the new word:

Backwards, skip, jump, hop, gallop, run, crab walk, roll (pencil roll), slither, march, tiptoe etc.

Take it outside and change the song to walk around the playground/space.

Adapt for younger children:

Sing the song slower and if children are unable to walk independently, support with hand holding.  Maintain more floor based movements


Take the activity outside and use on different surfaces; sand, puddles, bark chipping, under trees, through tunnels etc.

Indoors you use similar alternatives tunnels, bubble wrap, parachute to crawl over or under, bed sheets, pillowcases to jump inside

Get in touch…

If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: hspinfo@herts.ac.uk