Understanding health inequalities to improve access by underrepresented groups

Hertfordshire County Council want to understand who is and who is not accessing their services and what they can do to improve access

If you are a child or young person or a parent/carer of one, Hertfordshire County Council need your help!

They want to hear from children and young people (aged 5 – 25) and their parents/carers about what they are and are not doing to help, and how they can improve things.

The purpose of this survey is to understand what services you think are available to you and if you know how to or want to access them and if you don’t, what can be done to improve things for you.

The survey is entirely anonymous, but to thank you for your time, if you wish to share your email address, your name will be entered into a prize draw to win a £25 Amazon Voucher!!

Your information will not be shared with anybody outside Hertfordshire County Council's Children & Young People’s Mental Health Services. 

The survey is now open; you will have until 3rd January to complete it.

There are two surveys. Please click on the relevant link below. 

Link for Children and Young People

Link for Parents

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If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: hspinfo@herts.ac.uk