Sport and Physical Activity Generate over £100 Billion in Social Value

Sport England finds sport saves the NHS £10.5 billion annually and prevents 1.3 million depression cases.

Updated research from Sport England in partnership with social value advisors State of Life, Sheffield Hallam University and Manchester Metropolitan University, shows that improved health from participation in sport and physical activity relieves pressure on the NHS through £10.5 billion a year in health and social care savings. 


The report highlights many social value benefits of leading physically active lives such as relieving some of the NHS burden, preventing 1.3 million cases of depression and saving £540 million on reduced GP visits and £780 million on reduced mental health service use. 


"These findings from Sport England underline just how vital sport and physical activity are to creating a fit and happy nation.” 

Sports Minister, Stephanie Peacock


"Being physically active is one of the best things we can do to stay healthy and independent throughout our lives... This report shows that we need to make it easier for particular groups to engage in physical activity including sport." 

Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England

The report also highlights the social cost of inequalities in adult activity levels at an estimated £15.6 billion a year. This reinforces the strategic focus of Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership in tackling inequalities and removing barriers for all communities and people to be more active. 


Visit Sport England’s website for the full Social Value of Sport & Physical Activity Report  

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