HSP Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy

Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership is the active partnership for Hertfordshire, with its core funding coming from Sport England. Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership is recognised as having a lead, co-ordinating role for sport in Hertfordshire, in conjunction with a range of partners. The policy and procedures outlined in this document are designed to cover all aspects of Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership’s work with young people and adults at risk, and relates to all staff and volunteers employed or deployed by Herts Sports Partnership for the programmes over which it has supervision and control. Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership also has a strategic responsibility to ensure that partners with whom it works have adequate safeguarding measures in place. While the sphere of influence is limited to specific partners, efforts will be made to encourage other local sports organisations and agencies to use this document as an example from which they can develop their own policies and procedures. 

Get in touch…

If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: hspinfo@herts.ac.uk