Runner Bean Game

Resource Image

Runner Bean Game 


Copy the actions of all these runner beans:

  • Broad bean – standing star
  • String bean – stretching tall
  • Dwarf bean – squat small
  • Runner Bean – Run around
  • Frozen bean – stand still
  • Chilli Bean – rub arms
  • Beans in a tin – come together in the middle
  • Microwave bean – spin and beep, ding and jump
  • Beans on toast – lay on floor in a star shape
  • Jumping bean – jump
  • Jelly bean – wobble

Adapt for younger children:

Stick to some of the simple ones and only include 4 or 5 different beans


Encourage children to call out a bean for others to copy.  Think of another topic, maybe seasons, can children suggest actions for rain, snow, sunshine etc

Runner Bean Video

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If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: