Ross Hopcroft Awarded High Sheriff’s Community Champion Award

Ross Hopcroft received a Sport for Good Community Champion Award for his outstanding volunteer work in Borehamwood

The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Annie Brewster JP attended Friday Night Project in Borehamwood to present a Sport for Good Community Champion Award to a very deserving volunteer, Ross Hopcroft.  

Ross has been volunteering in Borehamwood for over six years since his retirement. During his working life he was a volunteer at Tabard Rugby Club in Radlett since 1979. Ross started at Tabard as a player (he played first team, usually fullback). In 1999 he stepped up his volunteering and became chair of Tabard until 2009 when he became the president of the club. Ross is an ambassador for the game, the club and the community work. Ross is an enthusiastic individual and has a ‘never give up attitude,’ when an opportunity arises, Ross is the first person to volunteer and is very generous with his time. 

In 2018 after his retirement from full time work, Ross was instrumental in setting up the School of Hard Knocks at Hertswood Academy. School of Hard Knocks is a unique intervention that uses rugby coaching, classroom sessions and mentoring to help improve attendance and behaviour at school. The main aim is to help at risk children avoid permanent exclusion. As well as setting up the programme, Ross continues to be pivotal to the success of the programme. He volunteers weekly to drive the students from Hertswood Academy to the rugby club, provides food and drink for the young people and is actively involved in the sessions to enhance the young people’s experience. Away from the direct delivery of the sessions, Ross promotes the programme to the local community and has secured thousands of pounds to ensure the programme can continue.   

Hertswood Academy have acknowledged that Ross goes over and above the role of a volunteer. He provides an after-school rugby session in addition to the School of Hard Knocks work and has encouraged many pupils to develop an interest in rugby. He regularly gives his own time to drive pupils to the club, to fixtures or trips. Ross is an advocate for the school and will help their students in any way he can. 

As well as all of the above, in 2022 when approached by a partnership of organisations including Clarion Futures, Leecliffe Big Local, Hertsmere Borough Council and Sporting Inspirations, Ross was able to broker a relationship between the partnership and Hertswood Academy to start the Friday Night Project. Ross negotiated a community rate for the project. This enabled the Friday night project to start in April 2022 and after two successful years, it regularly attracts over 100 young people every week to take part in basketball, rugby, football and many other activities. Not only does Ross contribute to the steering group but is a regular volunteer on Friday nights. Prior to the session starting Ross collects food from the food bank and takes it to the academy. Ross’s influence was key to the project starting, he is well respected and trusted by the community and the partners in it. Ross has built an excellent rapport with the young people and is key to the success of the project which has received county recognition of an example of good practice. Ross has great drive, commitment and is an asset to Hertsmere. 

“Thank you for putting me forward for the Community Champion Award. As far as I am concerned everyone involved in the Friday Night Protect are all Champions and such a wonderful group of people to be involved with. Your passion, enthusiasm and commitment to supporting young people is infectious and I am so proud to be part of such a dedicated, community minded team. Looking forward to continuing to work together and helping create a better future for young people across Hertfordshire.” 

Ross Hopcroft, Award Recipient


“I was delighted to surprise, Ross Hopcroft, a true Hertsmere hero, with a High Sheriff Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership Lifetime Achievement Award during the groundbreaking 'Friday Night Project' he helped to facilitate at Hertswood Academy that attracts over 100 young people to take part in weekly free coached sports sessions in basketball, rugby & football. Ross has volunteered at Tabard RFC (ex-President) since 1979. In 2018 he was instrumental in setting up the 'School of Hard Knocks' at Hertswood Academy using rugby coaching, classroom sessions & mentoring to improve attendance & avoid permanent exclusion. His exceptional rapport with young people is key to all he does. Thank you Ross!” 

The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Annie Brewster JP


The Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership are excited for the year ahead where they will be recognising lots more local volunteers celebrating their continued hard work to help get more people, more active, more often. 

For further details of the event and the High Sheriff’s visit, please contact Jane Parker

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