Rhythmic movement
Rhythmic movement
Repeat the above activity but this time use florist ribbon. Give each child a length of ribbons, tie a knot in the end (as a handle) and invite them to tear the ribbon all the way to the handle. Repeat the music choices and invite the children to move to the music.
Adapt for younger children:
Keep the ribbon lengths no longer than a child’s arm. Adults may need to rip the ribbon for some children.
Adults can also model how to move and children can copy.
Invite the children to move how the music feels…explain when you touch a child on the shoulder and say FREEZE all the children stop and copy the child the adult touched. Then repeat. Also extend to two ribbons , one in each hand and introduce bilateral, lateral and cross lateral movements.
Get in touch…
If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: hspinfo@herts.ac.uk