Ping Pong Fun

Ping Pong Fun


Give each child a ping pong ball and on ‘ready, steady, drop’..drop them and chase them.  Place them on a smooth floor surface and blow them…use marking tape as starting lines and finishing lines, alternatively use straws to direct blowing.  If you have an outside area with an incline, encourage children to try and blow them up the ramp/hill.

Adapt for younger children:

Adults can drop the balls and model how to blow to make them move…younger children may push them and follow them.


Partner children together and using masking tape make a line…1 child from the partnership stands on the line with the ping pong ball, the 2nd child is 5 meters away facing them with their legs wide apart.  On ‘GO’ the  1st child must blow the ping pong ball through the legs of their partner, and crawl out the other side.  Repeat.

Get in touch…

If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: