Physical activity and movement finder launched on the Hub of Hope

Mind and Chasing the Stigma have teamed up, to shine a spotlight on the powerful connection between physical activity and mental health.

The mental health charities Mind and Chasing the Stigma have teamed up, to shine a spotlight on the powerful connection between physical activity and mental health.

Over 200 services that specifically involve physical activity to support mental health, have now been added to Chasing the Stigma’s Hub of Hope. The Hub of Hope is the UK’s largest online mental health support directory, and it’s designed to help people find mental health services that work for them.

This innovative new partnership will help to reach more people and let them know about the benefits of physical activity and movement for our mental health. And show them exactly where they can find support.

Find out more about the Hub of Hope and download the app


Why physical activity?

Our physical and mental health are closely linked and there’s good evidence that getting more physically active can have real benefits for our mental wellbeing. Studies have shown that being physically active can reduce the risk of depression by up to 30%. As well as helping release endorphins and regulate stress hormones, the benefits of being regularly active also include boosting self-esteem and building social support. It's a holistic approach to nurturing both your body and your mind.


Who’s involved in the partnership?

Working with Chasing the Stigma is a collaboration of mental health charities who are tapping into the power of physical activity and movement. The group is led by Mind, funded by Sport England, and involves Rethink Mental Illness, Scottish Association of Mental Health, Sport in Mind, Mental Health Swims, Run Talk Run, Mental Health Football Wales and many more organisations.


For further information about Chasing the Stigma visit: 

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