Multiply Project co-ordinated in collaboration with Apex 360

A national campaign to improve people’s confidence with numbers

Multiply is a national campaign to improve people’s confidence with numbers and we are proud to be part of this campaign, helping to inspire and support people from diverse backgrounds overcome challenges and realise their ambitions. The project aims to work with people who face barriers to education and employment such as low skills, learning or physical disabilities and mental health conditions. HSP and Apex 360 are working together to deliver a portion of this campaign across Hertfordshire to individuals aged 19+ through fun and engaging activities that combine physical activity and numeracy.

Apex 360 began to deliver this project at one of the Hertfordshire contingency hotels in May 2024, after recognising that a football and numeracy project could benefit those currently residing there. Unfortunately, many of the individuals were experiencing poor physical and mental health due to not having much to do each week, given that the hotel is in a very rural location and not close to local amenities or transport services. Therefore, it was decided to bring the activities to the hotel residents by piloting a Multiply project onsite, and so far, 28 individuals have engaged.

During the first session, it was noticed that many individuals did not have the proper clothing and footwear to participate in safely, playing football in bare feet and wearing clothes unsuitable for being active in (i.e. jeans). Tom, Wellbeing and Education Manager at Apex 360, contacted one of our project officers, Alex Varran, who helped source some sports clothing from Goods for Good that could be distributed to the participants. By providing them with t-shirts, shorts and jogging bottoms, these individuals have continued their participation as they now have a set of clothes to be active in.

All the participants were extremely grateful to receive these items, which have helped to boost their physical activity levels, improve their mental health, and create good morale between them.

One participant, K, had lost all his clothes just a few days before the first session and attended wearing all the clothes he owned, so it was an excellent opportunity to provide him with a brand new outfit! He thanked us for sharing it with him and proudly wore it all at the next session. We hope to be able to distribute more items across the remaining sessions. Thank you to Goods for Good for making this possible.


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