Multi-Skills Activator Training comes to Bedwell

The Partnership provided free training to Active Local partners in Bedwell, in collaboration with StreetGames and Team GB.

Earlier this month, Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership offered a Multi-Skills Activator Course to Active Local partners in Bedwell, one of the most deprived areas in Stevenage and second most deprived ward in Hertfordshire.

Unfortunately, many families do not have the money to take their children to local sport clubs and activities, as the cost of club fees and kit is too expensive, so the Partnership sought to upskill local community partners and leaders with a Multi-Skills Activator Course so that they could deliver some exciting physical activity sessions for the local Bedwell community.

Attendees of the course included The Wellbeing Junction CIC lead staff, and their teenager peer mentors, as well as Stevenage Police Officers and Community Wardens from Stevenage Borough Council. It was a great day, and participants shared how they will now implement these games with their groups and events they run.

"Attending the Multi-Skills Activator course has deepened my love for community engagement, equipping me with the tools to connect with and inspire others through diverse sports activities.

Each participant received an item of the StreetGames x Team GB kit, as the course was delivered as part of the British Olympic Activator offer which was particularly exciting given that the course was delivered during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Jess Baird, Active Local Officer for Bedwell, said: "The Multi-Skills Activator course was exceptional, with a strong participation from partners in Bedwell. It is rewarding to see these partners now equipped to deliver multi-sports activities within the local community. Moving forward, I will collaborate with these partners to further enhance their skills and provide additional workforce development opportunities."

Given that Bedwell is a Spotlight area for HSP’s Active Local work, the Partnership will continue to invest in these newly qualified Multi-Skills Activators, by purchasing equipment that each organisation can use throughout the community.

For more information about Active Local in Bedwell, please email Jess.

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