Morrisons Foundation
The Morrisons Foundation supports registered charities making a positive difference in local communities across England, Scotland, and Wales.

Apply for Grant Funding
The Morrisons Foundation supports registered charities making a positive difference in local communities across England, Scotland, and Wales.
Grants are available for up to £10,000 for capital spend or direct project delivery.
The Morrisons Foundation prioritises applications from small charities, those with an income of less than £1m, but applications from larger charities are welcome. Before submitting an application, please read our Grant Funding Policy in full. If you are still unsure whether your application is what we’re looking for, please get in touch.
Grant Funding
Our grant funding supports charities delivering projects which help to improve people’s lives in communities across England, Scotland and Wales. Applications should deliver on (at least) one of three objectives to be considered for support, these are:
- Tackling poverty and social deprivation.
- Enhancing community spaces, facilities and services.
- Improving health and wellbeing.
Registered charities can check their eligibility by referring to our Grant Funding policy, which is available the website.
Find our How to Apply.
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If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: