Mental Health Champions Project Leaflet

In November 2019, the mental health charity Mind announced the launch of nine new Regional Networks to help more people with mental health problems engage with physical activity.

By linking up local organisations across the physical activity, mental health and charity sectors Mind hopes its  egional Networks will support sport and physical activity organisations to be more inclusive of people with mental health problems.

 The Regional Networks work to increase the number of groups in their region who are equipped with the skills to  support and engage people with mental health problems in physical activity. They offer training, toolkits
and resources, as well as providing a platform for networking and sharing best practice to
build stronger relationship between organisations.

Every Regional Network is led by a Hub (lead organisation), with one based in each of the nine English government regions. They receive support and funding from Mind. Hubs have autonomy and responsibility for
designing, delivering and implementing their Regional Network.

Get in touch…

If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: