Major investment to help sports battle climate change

Sport England have recently launched their first-ever environmental sustainability strategy,

Sport England have recently launched their first-ever environmental sustainability strategy, Every Move, which includes major new investment to help the sport and physical activity sector respond to climate change. 

The package, worth more than £45 million of new National Lottery funding, builds on the already announced £60 million joint investment in the Swimming Pool Support Fund to make hundreds of swimming pools across the country more environmentally and financially sustainable. 

The money will be used to help more people get active in nature, restore flooded sports pitches and help sports clubs become sustainable.    

The strategy responds to new research which reveals that three in five adults and children (60%) say extreme weather has had a negative impact on their ability to be active, with one in four of the children negatively affected, citing the cancellation of PE and games lessons.

HSP welcomes the strategy as it supports the work we are doing locally to build a sustainable sporting future - please see our Supporting Sustainability web page ( which contains tools, tips and resources. 

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