HSP Annual Report

Welcome to the Annual Report of the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) - covering the 12-month period from April 2023.

The report highlights the Partnership’s many successes over this period, but also flags some of those real challenges that we have encountered as we continue to embed our role as System Partner to Sport England - in support of the delivery of Sport England’s Uniting the Movement 10- Year Strategy.

That strategy has an emphasis on using sport and physical activity to help address inequality and disadvantage; increasing activity levels - particularly amongst those living in our underserved communities; improving the health of our residents; and as a means of better connecting our communities.

As a Partnership, collaborative working is in our DNA and none of the successes outlined in this document would have been possible without the support and co-operation of the myriad partners that we work with on a daily basis.  Those partners come from the public, private and Voluntary Community Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sectors, and we are very fortunate to enjoy many highly productive relationships where distributed leadership, deep-rooted trust and mutually beneficial outcomes, are features of our combined efforts.

We would like to thank those partners and stakeholders, and all that make up the wider sport, physical activity, and health workforce in Hertfordshire.  A special thanks must go to Hertfordshire County Council and our 10 District and Borough Councils, who were the Partnership’s founding members and continue to be real champions of our work.

Please get in touch if you require further information or would like to explore partnership opportunities.

HSP Team



HSP Impact Report 2023-2024

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