High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Completes parkrun and junior parkrun Grand Tour

The Partnership teamed up with the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire to celebrate her year, themed Sport for Good, with some special High Sheriff Awards.

The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Annie Brewster JP, has completed her challenge of visiting all the Hertfordshire parkruns and junior parkruns since taking up the role of High Sheriff in April 2024.

Since starting her grand tour at St Albans parkrun in April 2024, Annie has thoroughly enjoyed visiting all 32 events across the county, meeting the participants and all the volunteers involved in making the Hertfordshire parkrun network such an excellent opportunity for free physical activity.

 She commented:  

"I would like to thank Hertfordshire's parkrun community for your glorious, early morning, welcomes in all corners of our wonderful county. From the largest to the smallest parkrun, I have witnessed the same infectious joy from everyone be they volunteer marshals and organisers, those running or walking or friends and family cheering loved ones on. The finishing funnel glee seems no different whether one is 4 or 84. The backbone of the event, the army of volunteers who appear to be weather-proof, are the true heroes. The eclectic stories that brought you to volunteering will be one of the best memories of my grand tour. You are remarkable and I thank you once again for enabling others to go for their own goals and the spirit of parkrun you sprinkle all over Hertfordshire."

Following the completion of Annie’s grand tour at Cassiobury Park junior parkrun in October 2024, Louise Smith, HSP Board Member and parkrun Regional Ambassador said:

“" The Hertfordshire parkrun team has been thrilled that the High Sheriff has chosen to visit all 32 parkruns across the county as part of her theme of Sport for Good. Annie has brought her energy and warmth to every event be it the Sunday junior 2k parkruns where children are fascinated by her sword or the Saturday 5k events where she enthusiastically welcomes all participants across the finish line. But most of all she spends time with the people that make parkrun happen - the amazing volunteers who turn up, whatever the weather, with big smiles and a willingness to do whatever is needed. We are delighted that she has honoured some of these incredibly valuable people with a special award which has come as a delightful surprise to the recipients. We are immensely grateful for the light that she is shining on parkrun which is creating even more opportunities for people to come and take part in a free weekly community activity. Thank you."

Congratualtions again to all of the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Celebration of parkrun Award recipients:

For Outstanding Contribution to the parkrun community

Angus Kindley – Stevenage parkrun

Adam Praverman – Hertford junior parkrun

Patrick Millar – Panshanger parkrun

Sharon Davidson – Cassiobury parkrun

Sarah Deas – Gadebridge junior parkrun

Diane Anstiss – Rickmansworth junior parkrun

Jamie Henderson – Barclay parkrun

Max Oxhey – Barclay parkrun

Roland Thomas – Furzefield junior parkrun

Lynne & John Norman – Birchwood junior parkrun

Scott Nugent – Castle Park parkrun

Stephen Cadwell – Cassiobury junior parkrun

For Outstanding service to the parkrun community

Brian Finnigan – Stevenage junior parkrun

Heena Langston – King George junior parkrun

Richard Blunt – Cheshunt junior parkrun

If you’re looking for a fun and friendly volunteering opportunity, then look no further than your local parkrun events. There are lots of ways to be involved. parkrun is a free, community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. parkrun is a free weekly timed 5k taking place every Saturday morning at 9am, whilst junior parkrun is a weekly 2k dedicated to 4-14 year olds and their families, every Sunday morning.

Head to the parkrun website to find your local event.

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