High Sheriff Awards parkrun Legend

HSP is teaming up with the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire to celebrate her year of Sport for Good with some special High Sheriff Recognition Awards

The Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership are teaming up with the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire to celebrate her year themed Sport for Good with some special High Sheriff Recognition Awards.

On Saturday 18th May the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Annie Brewster JP presented parkrun legend Angus Kindley a Celebration of parkrun Award at the Stevenage parkrun for outstanding contribution to the parkrun community. The Stevenage Mayor, Myla Arceno was in attendance as well as 530 runners who all enjoyed congratulating Angus on his award before heading off on the 5k route.

Angus Kindley is a stalwart volunteer at both Stevenage and Pinehill junior parkruns and has volunteered on 373 different occasions. He is well known for marshalling at the 4K mark at Stevenage but goes above and beyond by also taking photos for both events’ social media pages and also calling out people’s times. He has been described as a ‘local legend’ by many people who regularly attend both events and thoroughly deserves to receive this award given his dedication and commitment to being at both events every single week.

The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Annie Brewster JP said:

"Part of my role as High Sheriff is to support our amazing volunteers across Hertfordshire.  There can be no better example than Angus Kindley who, by selflessly giving his time, enables hundreds of people to keep active each week.  Within these hundreds I hear countless stories of why parkrun is supporting both their mental and physical well-being.  Angus has spent a lifetime supporting others.  I remember him enthusiastically cheering me on as a junior athlete at various races.  Thank you Angus and all the other wonderful volunteers at Stevenage parkrun."

Recipient of the Award Angus Kindley said: 

"It was an unexpected and amazing occasion for me to be presented with the award. I'm just a small cog in the Parkrun engine so to be the recipient of this award was a little overwhelming for this old veteran.

But heartfelt thanks to the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire for the honour she so graciously bestowed on me.

And such a coincidence to think all those years ago when she was just a young woman athlete and I was cheering her on in athletic events. Tempus Fugit!"

If Angus has inspired you to volunteer there are lots of ways to be involved. parkrun is a free, community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. parkrun is 5k and takes place every Saturday morning. Junior parkrun is 2k, dedicated to 4-14 year olds and their families, every Sunday morning. Head to the parkrun website to find your local event www.parkrun.org.uk

The Herts Sport & Activity Partnership is excited about the year ahead, during which they will be recognising lots more local volunteers and celebrating their continued hard work to help get more people more active, more often.

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