High Sheriff Awards Hertfordshire Health Walk Team

The Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership are teaming up with the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire to celebrate her year themed Sport for Good.

On Thursday 13th June High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Annie Brewster JP presented Brookmans Park Health Walk team with a Health Walks Making a Difference High Sheriff Award with a special mention to Martin Connolly.


The Brookmans Park team has doubled in size over the last year and now consists of 13 volunteers, 6 of whom completed their walk leadership training since June last year. With so many people willing to support the Brookmans Park walk, a shorter grade 1-2 walk is now available alongside the longer grade 3. For those who can’t make the longer distance due to illness or injury, they are still able to join a Health Walk each week and go for refreshments afterwards!


With a weekly average of 17, some weeks have seen as many as 38 walkers attending. Since January 2017 to the present day, Brookmans Park has hosted 396 walks with a whopping 6679 attendances!


Martin Connolly joined Hertfordshire Health Walks in 2008 and trained as a volunteer in 2015. He became a regular weekly walker at The Brookmans Park walk, eventually leading it from January 2017.


Martin and his team have ensured that the local residents of Brookmans Park and surrounding areas have the opportunity to go out walking and enjoy the company of everyone who joins them.


The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Annie Brewster JP said:

“It was incredible to see so many walkers arrive ready for their weekly Health Walk. The friendships built over time during these walks are so powerful and wonderful to see. It’s all down to those fabulous and encouraging volunteers and I can’t thank them enough for all the time and energy they give to inspire and influence others to be active. Congratulations and more thanks must go to Martin and his fabulous team of volunteers who lead the walks and make everyone feel so welcome.”


Thank you to Herts County Council for their continued support of Hertfordshire Health Walks. If you’d like to get involved with your local Health Walk by taking part or volunteering, you can find all the local Hertfordshire walks here: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/healthwalks

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