Hertfordshire's Safe in Sport Parent Survey
Parents, share your views on sport! Fill out this short survey and help us increase safe sport for all
We are asking parents within Hertfordshire to fill in this short survey, giving them the opportunity to share their opinion on how safe they feel their child(ren) is in sport. We want to put parents in the driving seat of change and knowing their views is vital to this.
Our ask to you is to simply share this survey as far and wide as possible, to all parents and carers with a child participating in sport, so that together we can understand and shape change within Hertfordshire.
If you run a local sports club, please feel free to use the below to send to parents within your club/organisation.
Parents, we are looking to support the Herts Sport and Physical Activity Partnership and the NSPCC with gaining the views and opinions of parents in sport. We always have the welfare and safety of our players in mind, as such we’d love for you to share how you feel about your child(ren) taking part in sport so that we can help create change in Hertfordshire, and make sure all children and adults feel safe in sport.
Could we please ask you to complete the following anonymous short survey (consisting of 10 questions), which will be vital to changing the direction of safeguarding in sport.
Safe In Sport Survey Here
If you would like support filling out the form then please contact Joe Gamble at j.gamble2@herts.ac.uk
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If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: hspinfo@herts.ac.uk