Hertfordshire School Games

Below, you can find a summary of the outcomes of the Hertfordshire School Games 2023/2024

The outcomes for the School Games 2023/24

  • To advocate and position the CMO daily active minutes delivery for all young people, as a universal offer to maintain and grow school engagement.

Helping schools to prioritise the delivery of the Chief Medical Officers recommended 60 active minutes a day, or 20 minutes a day for SEND students . Supporting improvements in students' physical literacy and social, emotional and physical wellbeing.

  • To ensure all competition has a clear intent and creates positive experiences based on the motivation. competence and confidence of the young people who need our support the most.

Using local insight to target young people who receive the greatest benefit from involvement in competition. This includes students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, minority ethnic groups, SEND students and girls.

  • To have a clear focus on Secondary schools and transition points

Prioritising delivery in secondary schools whilst also recognising the impact on students transitioning in early Key Stage 2 and from Key Stage 2 to 3.

  • To support the personal development of targeted young people through youth engagement and leadership.

This includes opportunities across the full breadth of the School Games, incorporating physical activity, competition, high quality leadership and youth engagement.

  • To advocate and engage key stakeholders on the value of the School Games to support local provision and improve the experience for young people and their families.

Showing the role of the School Games can make a meaningful difference to the lives of young people. Encouraging engagement from local stakeholders, including senior leadership teams, Public Health and parents.

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