Hertfordshire School Games Events
Below is a list of the Hertfordshire School Games Events and the different categories.

Hertfordshire School Games events will take place under one of the sections of the pyramid (above) to ensure all young people are able to access competitions at the right level to ensure maximum enjoyment and a positive experience.
The School Games values will underpin all events and allow opportunities for young people to develop and enhance their knowledge, understanding and apply their leadership skills.
The School Games is a fun and enjoyable way of engaging all young people through school sport – either as a competitor, young leader, official, or as part of a media team, focusing on blogging and promoting sport. Hertfordshire has a broad and varied leadership programme to support all pupils.
School Games Values: The Spirit of the Games
The Spirit of the Games Values were developed by young people to identify what the experience of school sport should be built around and focus on personal excellence through participation.
There are seven values which form the ‘Spirit of the Games’: Passion, Self-Belief, Respect, Honesty, Teamwork, Determination and Eco-Friendly.
The way in which schools communicate these values and involve young people in championing this cause will help bring the Spirit of the Games to life. This will ensure that competitive school sport is a rich learning experience for young people, and an experience which develops them to be not only the best sports person they can be but the best person they can be as well.
Honesty – Be honest with others and with yourself. Have the courage to do the right thing. Be truthful and promote fairness in every situation.
Teamwork – Treat everyone equally, support each other and work together to have fun and achieve. Celebrate each good friend and a positive team player in school, sport and life.
Respect – Treating others politely and with understanding. Accepting life’s ‘ups and downs’ with grace. Respect every day, in everything you do and for everyone around you.
Self-belief – You have got to believe to achieve. Have the self-belief and confidence to succeed and reach your personal best
Passion – Giving it 100%, putting your heart and soul into whatever you are doing and never giving up. Care about what you do and the people around you and approach each opportunity with enthusiasm and positivity.
Determination – Keep going no matter what. Determination is about the journey you go on to push yourself and achieve your dreams. Have the mental strength and the self-discipline to overcome obstacles, commit to your goals and keep working every day to become the very best you can be. Do not hold back!
Eco-Friendly – Chosen by young people within the network and in partnership with Planet Earth Games, this new School Games value encourages us to think more about the everyday choices we can all make to help the planet.
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