Hertfordshire Crime Reduction through Sport Funding Portal now LIVE!

The Partnership is delighted to announce that this Fund is now LIVE and the portal is open for applications.

As part of the Partnership's commissioned work around using sport and physical activity as a vehicle to reduce serious violence and crime, we are delighted to announce that the Hertfordshire Violence Prevention and Reduction through Sport Fund is now live for applications – thanks to our colleagues at StreetGames for supporting us with this process.

The funding is available to support Hertfordshire based voluntary and community sport and phyiscal activity organisations to carry out targeted work supporting young people aged 10 to 25 years old who are at risk of becoming involved in serious violence. Successful applications will demonstrate a recent track record of working with vulnerable young people using community sport and/or physical activity to create positive outcomes, so we strongly encourage applications that utilise the Hertfordshire Community Sport and Serious Violence Dashboard (Dashboard Overview).

Organisations must: 

1. Be able to evidence an existing track record of delivering sport in communities 

2. Be working with vulnerable or at-risk young people aged 10-25 years old 

3. Provide secondary level prevention activities 

4. Have the capacity to deliver a year-round offer that does not significantly change during school holiday periods and is available for young people for a minimum of 50 weeks each year 

5. Have clear exit routes into existing year-round provision 

6. Currently work with/ or have ambition to work with multi-agency partners from across the local area, e.g., education, children’s services, Youth Justice, Police. 

The portal page is now live, and a briefing document has been created to help guide applicants through the application process (we strongly advise reading this prior to starting your application)

  • Application Form – use this link to start an application (opens in a new window)

To assist organisations HSP and StreetGames have also co-ordinated two virtual drop-in clinics on Teams, where anyone can drop-in and ask questions to support them with the application process. If you would like to attend please email a.varran2@herts.ac.uk for a link to the session(s) which take place on: 

9.30am - 10.30am, Thursday 19th December 2024

12noon - 1pm, Monday 6th January 2025


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