Hertfordshire Crime Reduction through Sport – Dashboard Playback Webinars
Two Hertfordshire Crime Reduction through Sport – Dashboard Playback Webinars are being offered this October.

Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) is offering two Hertfordshire Crime Reduction through Sport – Dashboard Playback Webinars as a virtual follow on from the in-person workshop delivered in August.
HSP secured funding from the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner via Home Office funding associated to the statutory duty placed on the County Council around Serious Violence to develop the Hertfordshire Crime Reduction through Sport work.
This one-hour webinar will provide colleagues from StreetGames, Hertfordshire County Council and HSP with an opportunity to demonstrate the Hertfordshire Community Sport & Serious Violence Dashboard that was recently launched as part of this work.
Data behind the dashboard was gathered via the Hertfordshire Community Sport Audit that was undertaken earlier this year and has been layered with information from sources including Hertfordshire Constabulary, which will help steer the Herts Crime Reduction through Sport work over the coming months.
This Playback Session is for organisations that completed the audit, organisations that are working in this space or want to work in the space, as well as commissioners and organisations working with individuals (at the moment focusing in on those aged 10-25) involved in criminal and/or anti-social behaviour.
Please note that two webinars with the same content are being delivered, so you only need to join one. Also, the content will largely be the same as the in-person session (if you were able to join us then), but we will try to include some localised scenarios with the dashboard depending on the audience in each webinar.
Book here: Mon 14th Oct at 10am
Book here: Tues 22nd Oct at 10am
We hope to see you online!
If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Alex Varran.
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