Health Walk’s Hatfield First Steps team receive High Sherriff Award

High Sheriff of Hertfordshire presents Hertfordshire Health Walk’s Hatfield First Steps team with a Health Walks Making a Difference Award.

The Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership are teaming up with the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire to celebrate her year themed Sport for Good with some special High Sheriff Recognition Awards.

On Wednesday 17th July High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Annie Brewster JP presented Hertfordshire Health Walk’s Hatfield First Steps team with a Health Walks Making a Difference High Sheriff Award.

The Hatfield First Steps walk has been going since 2015, Marian and her team lead this sociable, short walk throughout the year. Marian, Sue and Teresa started to regularly support the walk here at the end of 2017 and have seen it through Covid, emerging as strong as ever. With an average turnout of 17 walkers each week the Hatfield First Steppers walk in all weathers!

Special thanks to Marian, Sue, Tony, Jenny, Jo Arnold, Jo Crouch, Ana-Maria, Sarah and Teresa who did her walk leadership training 7 years ago today.

The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Annie Brewster JP said:

“I love how different all the Health Walks I’ve visited so far have been, especially this one. In the centre of Hatfield this group gather and set of for a short 20/30minute walk around the greenery. One group of less able walkers sometimes stick to the pavements and roads. This shows how versatile these leaders are to adjust and adapt their sessions to the needs of the walkers attending. Such a friendly and social bunch, and I could see how much this walk helped many of the participants. Marian was such a positive and friendly sole, and I can see why the team is such a success with her taking control. Well done everyone on your award, thoroughly deserved!”

Thank you to Herts County Council for their continued support of Hertfordshire Health Walks. If you’d like to get involved with your local Health Walk by taking part or volunteering, you can find all the local Hertfordshire walks here:


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