Football Star

Football star

Using a large bed sheet/cloth, mark out a  target on the sheet. Mark another goal target using other available apparatus, cones, hoops, nets etc. Ideally set up lots of different striking stations so that children are not queuing for a turn. Use masking tape as an indicator for striking positions.  Invite children to kick balls into target/goals, retrieve their balls and try again.

Adapt for younger children:

Before introducing kicking ensure children are confident with balancing on one foot. Provide a range of smaller footballs on low cones and invite the children to practice kicking the balls off the cones.


Play dog walkers, each child has a ball and must dribble with the ball -dog walking, heel – place one foot on top of the ball to stop it, good dog – pick up the ball and hold it close, fetch – kick the ball and run and stop it.

Get in touch…

If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: