Festival of Ideas see nearly 4,500 guests attend the University

The Partnership had the privilege to host a 'Sport for Good' workshop on the first afternoon.

Last month the University of Hertfordshire welcomed nearly 4,500 guests to the university across the two day Festival of Ideas event to experience what Herts has to offer, and the Partnership had the privilege to host a 'Sport for Good' workshop on the first afternoon.

The workshop focused on how we could harness the power of sport to create a safer society and was attended by more than 50 people from local organisations, industry partners, friends of the Partnership, UH Staff and students, plus HSP Board Members.

Our thanks go to Annie Brewster, High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Graham Helm and Claire Khan from StreetGames, James Mapstone, CEO of Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice and Dr Haydn Morgan, Associate Professor from University of Bath for being our expert panellists on the day, sharing knowledge in this field before leading a great Q&A session with the audience.

Post the session, our Crime Reduction through Sport Lead has already received many emails and meeting requests from partners old and new, to discuss the Partnerships work in more detail as well as offers to collaborate on future work in this space.

The Partnership would like to say a huge congratulations to the Festival of Ideas team at the University of Hertfordshire, for putting together a wonderful event…we look forward to being involved next year!

For more information about HSP’s Crime Reduction through Sport work, please email a.varran2@herts.ac.uk






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