Environmental Sustainability and Funding Webinar for Sports Clubs
HSP has partnered with Funding 4 Sport to deliver a much in demand webinar on Environmental Sustainability and Funding for Sports Clubs’

Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) has partnered with Funding 4 Sport to deliver a much in demand webinar on ‘Environmental Sustainability and Funding for Sports Clubs’ on Monday 4th March at 7-8pm.
About the Webinar
It’s clear that the world is changing and so is the climate, and this has a large impact on sport, including:
- High cost of fossil fuel energy sources making the cost of utilities unaffordable.
- Cancellations due to extreme weather conditions (flooding, heat, cold, wind).
- Unable to use facilities as storms and high winds have damaged roofs or large pieces of equipment.
These problems aren’t going away and if we don’t do anything about this, then future generations may not have the same opportunities to play sport that we do.
However, sport can play its part in Environmental Sustainability and Funding Bodies are slowly starting to realise this. Therefore, as part of this webinar, Funding 4 Sport will share:
- What is Environment Sustainability and what is the impact on sport.
- Ideas of what sports clubs do to be more environmentally sustainable.
- Example Case Studies of sports clubs that have received funding to improve their clubs and facilities whilst incorporating environmental sustainability into their planning and development.
- Funding streams that might support environmental sustainability for sports clubs and organisations.
Click here to register
Date / Time
Monday 4th March, 7-8pm
Free of charge
Who is the webinar aimed at?
Community sports clubs and organisations offering sport and physical activity opportunities, and organisations who support them.
Further Information
The webinar will be recorded so please register if you cannot attend but you wish to receive the recording.
About Funding 4 Sport
Led by Richard Sutcliffe, Funding 4 Sport has over 15 years experience working with a wide range of sporting organisations to support their fundraising efforts. During this period Funding 4 Sport have helped to raise £7.5 million in funding from a range of sources and Richard knows the key attributes to write a successful funding bid.
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If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: hspinfo@herts.ac.uk