Does your local community need support?

Do you want to join our Active Local journey and work with us in Waltham Cross, Bedwell or Cowley Hill?

As part of HSP’s Place-based approach to tackling inequalities and reducing physical activity, the Active Local Team have recently increased their Officer resource in the following areas:

  • Waltham Cross, Broxbourne
  • Bedwell, Stevenage
  • Cowley Hill, Hertsmere

The Team are offering a wide range of support to these communities and partnership working is key to our success. Therefore, we would love to hear from any new or existing Partners who are working in or would like to start working with us in the above areas. Whether this is to find out about the latest local insight, setup a new session, signpost your services, generate funding, or even if you would like to get involved but don’t yet know what that looks like, we would love to hear from you! As a team we strive for co-design and co-delivery of local interventions.

Please reach out the Active Local Mailbox where the team will ensure to get back to you:

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If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: