Apply to run a HAPpy Camp

This holiday provision is for school-aged children from Reception to Year 11 (inclusive) who receive benefits-related free school meals

Hertfordshire County Council has joined forces with the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership and the Hertfordshire Community Foundation, to organise a programme for the school holidays every Spring, Summer and Winter until the end of 2024, aimed at countering the triple inequalities facing Hertfordshire’s most disadvantaged young people – holiday hunger, physical inactivity and social isolation.

Camps must provide a minimum of 4 hours of provision to include one hour of Physical Activity, one hour of enrichment and a hot meal.


This holiday provision is for school-aged children from Reception to Year 11 (inclusive) who receive benefits-related free school meals. Benefits-related free school meals (FSM) are available to pupils if their parents are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits, and have a claim verified by their school or local authority. Please note this is different to the universal free school meals for key stage one pupils automatically recieve. If you feel a family could be eligible to receive benefits-related free school meals, you can direct them to apply through this form.


In additon to this up to 15% of places can be offered to children from low-income families, children with SEND or other extenuating circumstances that do not currently meet the automatic eligibility criteria (FSM) but who have additional reasons why attending camps would be beneficial to them.

In this instance they would need to be referred into the programme by a professional, please see the full guidance on this process on our useful referral signposting guide

Applications for HAPpy 2024

We will NOT be accepting applications from any NEW providers for the Winter 2024 provision. All existing providers that have delivered on the programme during 2024 will have recieved correspondence directly from Hertfordshire Community Foundation with regards to their involvement in the winter application process.


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