Alternative Income Generation - Online Workshop

A free workshop to help you learn about the various ways to generate income to help diversify your offer.

Run by StreetGames, this live online workshop is one of a series of sustainability workshops that have been designed and developed to help build knowledge, skills and understanding on how to become a more sustainable organisation. This interactive, beginner-friendly workshop is designed to help explore different ways to raise money for community projects beyond traditional funding applications.

Funding if often finite or short term so this session will cover the various ways to generate income to help diversify programme offer and make your projects and programmes more sustainable. It will take you through many forms in a more detail, with a deeper dive into Crowdfunding and Trusts & Foundations.

Who’s It For?

Anyone new to fundraising or looking to explore new ways to fund their projects.

What You’ll Learn:

• Where to find different types of funding and investment.

• Ideas to generate income through activities like crowdfunding, sponsorship, or fundraising events.

• How to approach Trusts and Foundations for grants.

Key Topics that we delve deeper into:

• Trusts and Foundations: Understanding how these charities offer funding.

• Crowdfunding: Using online platforms and social media to raise money.

What to Expect:

• Group tasks and discussions.

• Practical tips on finding funding and getting creative with income.

• Learning from others and building confidence.

This workshop is designed to be interactive so please come ready to get involved, ask questions, and leave with fresh ideas to boost your project’s income!


For any other information please contact:

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