Active Together (with Sport England & Crowdfunding)
Grants to support those experiencing financial difficulty due to COVID-19, emerging energy crisis, cost of living or other local crises.

Title of funding stream: Active Together
Funder name: Sport England and Crowdfunding
£ available / range: up to £10,000
Closing date if applicable: Ongoing
Key Points:
- This programme aims to help sport and physical activity organisations to move forward with priority projects and running costs that they might still be struggling with.
- It is a fund about recovery, reinvention and building resilience.
- It's specifically targeted at organisations that have a role in supporting the nation to be active but who are experiencing short-term financial hardship or the ceasing of operations due to crisis.
- To be eligible, organisations must be a: local sports clubs; charity, community, voluntary or social enterprise sector organisations that deliver sport and/or physical activity in their local community, town or parish council delivering physical activity within their community, and education establishment that provide access for their whole community.
- The sport or physical activity must benefit the people residing in England.
- Various 'Pledge' criteria apply - see the website for full details.
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