ACEs & Trauma Informed Practice - In person workshop

A free, interactive session exploring ACEs, their impact, and strategies for building resilience through a trauma-informed approach.

Run by StreetGames, this in person training is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to understand and apply a trauma-informed approach in various settings. Through engaging activities, videos, and reflection, participants will actively contribute their thoughts and apply the content in real time.

By the end of this workshop you will:

  • Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
  •  Exploring the short- and long-term impacts of ACEs on young people’s health
  •  Examining the stress response and its effects on the body
  •  Recognizing our role in building resilience
  •  Introducing key principles of a trauma-informed approach


Important Note:
We will be addressing sensitive and potentially challenging topics during the session, which may resonate personally with some participants. Please take care of yourself as needed—whether that means stepping away briefly and rejoining later or reaching out to us privately during or after the session.

For any other information please contact:

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