A "friendly" walking football match

HSP Vs Emmaus St Albans

Having recently supported Emmaus Hertfordshire (the St Albans community) with funding to grow their walking football provision, several members of the Partnership recently donned some kit to play the Emmaus staff and their companions in a 5-a-side match at Cotlandswick Leisure Centre in London Colney.

Emmaus Hertfordshire is a homelessness charity providing more than just a bed for the night to people who have experienced homelessness and social exclusion, and although originally billed as a "friendly" it soon became clear that both teams were very eager to win.

After a brief reminder of the main rules by staff from Sporting Inspirations CIC who refereed the match - absolutely no running and that the ball could not go above head height which caught several of us out during the game! - both teams put their skills and fancy footwork on show, and were cheered on by colleagues who supported from the sidelines. 

Annie Brewster, High Sheriff of Hertfordshire and HSP Board Member, who has adopted Sport for Good as the theme for her year in office, also popped along to show her support.

Alex Varran, Sport for Good Project Officer commented:

"When I suggested a HSP Vs Emmaus St Albans match I wasn't sure what the response would be, but I'm so glad it happened as it was a brilliant experience for both sides! Getting colleagues away from their desks to visit a project that the Partnership is supporting is such a worthwhile thing, and although I had to keep reminding a couple of them that it was a friendly everyone got stuck in and enjoyed themselves. I hope the Emmaus St Albans staff and the companions had as much fun as we did." 

HSP were victorious on this occasion, winning 7-5, but discussions for a rematch are already underway... watch this space!

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