
Resource Image


For this movement activity you will need to demonstrate the movements of a doll on a music box, robot and puppet.  See if children can identify how they move differently.  Using the first music suggestion, pretend to wind up the doll or robot and demonstrate moving in isolation with rigid limbs.  With the second piece of music, move as a puppet, floppy movements.

Music Suggestion – Doll on a Music Box – Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Music Suggestion  - Vodka m’interese – Rene Aubry.

Adapt for younger children:

Listen to the music together and adults model the movements like the props


Encourage children to move around the room and incorporate floor-based movement as well as locomotor movement.   Invite children to showcase their performances.

Get in touch…

If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: