

Gather together lots of old tights, (different colours and denier are great) they can be used as resistance bands for early years.  Practice stretching them, tie them across two areas to make a jump obstacle, stand on them and pull them, tie knots together and hold them in a circle for song time like a stretchy band, great for Row Row Row your boat, walk around the room and ‘let’s bounce and bounce’. Play a gentle version of tug of war.

SONG – sitting or standing in a circle holding the tights (all tied together) 

  • Let’s bounce and bounce and bounce and stop,
  • Bounce and bounce and bounce and stop
  • Bounce and bounce and bounce and stop
  • Now let’s bounce some more.

Substitute bounce with ‘pull, wobble, lift, lower,snake etc’

Adapt for younger children:

Always supervise young children with the tights. With adult modelling practice pulling and releasing the tights and allow some resistance.  Try the singing songs activity.


Invite the children to find their own uses for them. Incorporate them into obstacle courses.  Hang high denier tights from trees as a swinging rope.

Get in touch…

If you have a generic question please email the Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership team: hspinfo@herts.ac.uk