Sport for Social Change Impact Reports 2023-24
Sport has massive potential to play a greater role in addressing social issues across Hertfordshire. It can be used as a catalyst to build social capacity and develop socially and physically healthy communities.
This can be through the physical and mental strength it gives to individual athletes or teams; the joint passion that bonds fans together from many backgrounds and cultures; and a vehicle to deliver life skills and learnings that help communities to grow stronger.
Until recently, those involved with sport and physical activity have been primarily concerned with increasing activity levels in a bid to achieve healthier lifestyles. While this objective remains of great importance, non-sporting agencies are increasingly campaigning for a greater understanding of how sport can play a role in tackling wider social issues.
Whether creating long-term behaviour changes, or simply offering a distraction to wider life, sport and physical activity has the power to create significant social change and we aim to work with other relevant agencies and organisations to maximise the impact of sport and physical activity on community life in the county.
Below you will find the Impact Reports relating to this Strategic Objective for 2023-2024
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