Young People (12-16)

Developing positive habits and attitudes around sport and physical activity in our young people is an essential component of producing a healthy adult

Young people's activity levels, particularly females, decrease as they go through adolescence despite Public Health guidelines recommending at least 60 minutes of physical activity each week.

Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) are huge advocates for the benefits that physical activity and sport can have on a young person's psychological and physiological health. We work in collaboration with organisations across Hertfordshire to provide opportunities for more young people from all backgrounds to be more active, more often.

Summer Parks

The Summer Parks Programme was implemented in public parks across Hertfordshire in 2023. Young people in Hertfordshire benefited from a range of exciting and engaging activities delivered by local services and activity providers. 

Get in touch…

If you have a question about HAPpy Camps, please email our us: